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HTML5 CSS3 MuraCMS Theme By MitrahSoft

MuraCMS is a powerful and flexible content management system developed by Blue River Interactive Group. It is open source and built using ColdFusion/Railo. In this blog post, we will explain you about how to deploy & configure MitrahSoft's free open source HTML5 & CSS3 theme in to your MuraCMS web site.

Add Site From Site Settings

In Mura CMS, We can add a new site from settings -> Add Site option. The Settings menu available in the top fixed navbar. Click the Settings and select the Add Site menu to go the Site Settings page.

Mura CMS settings - Add site

The Site Settings page usually have the menu items in the left sidebar nav. Click on 'Basic' menu and that will open the Site Settings form that contains Site details like SiteID, Site Name, Primary Domain, Doman Alias List, Locale, Theme and google reCAPTCHA configuration area. Fill the Site basic details and click the Update button. The sites will be added in the sites list which is available under the Global Settings.

Mura CMS - Basic site settings
Deploy Theme Bundle From Site Settings

We can deploy the theme into the site via the Site Settings. In the Site Settings left menu bar, click the Deploy Bundle menu will show you a form to upload the theme bundle for the site.

Mura CMS - Deploy theme bundle

Otherwise, we can put the theme bundle directly into the \default\includes\themes of your MuraCMS code. After upload a theme to a site, the uploaded theme bundle name will be display in the theme dropdown list under the Site Settings -> basic. We can choose the theme from the dropdown for the site. MuraBootstrap3 theme is default theme shipped in MuraCMS it self, and the HTML5 theme is newly added into the site.

Mura CMS - Theme edit option
Add Pages From Site Manager

Once added a site, page details will dislay on the Site Manager. The default 'Home' page displaying default in the site manager list. Add the contents as page, that page title will displaying as menu in the home page in preview. To create a menu list, Add a child page under the parent page. The child pages title will showing as a menu list. We can set the Layout Template for the child page by clicking the Template icon and change it from the dropdown.

The Site Manager having two type of views.

  • Architectural View
  • Flat View

The site manager contains a table with title, Objects, Display, Template, Nav and Updated date columns. To add a content into the page on Mura CMS, we should select a content type.

Mura CMS - HTML5, CSS3 theme Site Manager

The Flat View tab contains the page details and its displaying a list. This type of view having the sort by option. So that we can view the list based on the sorting. The sort options are Last Updated, Created and Title.

Mura CMS - HTML5, CSS3 theme Site Manager flat view

In the site manager, click the + symbol in table to display a tooltip which contains some options like Zoom, Add Content, Copy, Copy All. We can use these option to the particular pages.

Mura CMS - Add content


Click the 'Add Content' in the above menu to view the Site content type pop-up like the following. The Select Content Type pop-up displaying 'Page','Link','File','folder',Calendar, Gallery and Quick upload options. Whatever we want to add to our site, We should select the content type from the Site content pop-up list.

Mura CMS - Select content type

We can change the template layout for each page from the site manager and site settings page. In the Site Manager page, the Layout Template option displaying in a tooltip. The tool tip contains the Layout dropdown and Altername Child Template dropdown. All the type of layout templates listout into the dropdown.

Mura CMS - Layout template popup out option

For illustrating, we've made a following sample site using the HTML5 MuraCMS theme. We're applying very basic changes for this.

Mura CMS - HTML5, CSS3 theme front end

We seamlessly apply our client's creative design to MuraCMS as a theme. As a contribution to CFML & Open source community, we've added our new MuraCMS HTML5-CSS3 theme as OSS in GitHub.

View our HTML5-CSS3 theme in the Mura Marketplace [Click Here]

Mura CMS Themes by MitrahSoft in ThemeForest :

Already we're very keen to develop mura themes for our clients. Couple of years back, MitrahSoft has patricipated in the themeforest Mura theme contest. For that contest we're designed couple of Mura CMS themes and submitted it into the themeforest. We've created the following themes which is available in the themeforest sales list :

Each and every theme having the separate features, demo pages, assets details and Its used for the different purpose. You can view the themes by the above given links.

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